Disposable Vape CR Boxes

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Disposable Vape CR Boxes

A modern packaging solution helps you in gaining recognition within a short period. We manufacture contemporary vape packaging in different designs. You can get customized designs as per your interest and budget. The vape industry has been growing rapidly for the past few years.

As a vape beholder, you must have a solution that can help you in improving your business growth. We Custom Boxes bestow you with a packaging solution with which you can convert passive customers into active ones. Subsequently, your sales rate will be improved.

How are custom disposable vape CR boxes beneficial?

Almost every product supplier is using custom packaging to highlight its peculiarity in the market. Similarly, you must have unique attire for your vape cartridges as it is advantageous for multiple reasons.


Custom packaging is easily accessible to any type of brand when it comes to budget. We offer you small stock boxes as well as wholesale packaging so that you can get what suits your budget. We offer custom features at a reasonable cost so that you can have unique packaging if you have a fixed budget. These boxes are lightweight due to which your shipping cost decreases to a great extent. We offer exclusive printed packaging boxes that help you to cut your marketing cost.

Strong and durable

The major job of packaging is to provide ultimate protection to the product. Taking into account this necessary factor, we manufacture highly protective boxes. We use cardboard and kraft stocks as they have great strength in lifting the vape cartridges and provide them protection against external factors. We offer cardboard packaging vape cartridges that keep the e-juice container safe for a long period so that its flavor and taste will remain fresh.

Highly customizable

We offer packaging boxes that are prone to modern custom features so that you can obtain the desired packaging solution for your precious vape cartridges. These features are as follows:

  • You can choose whatever packaging material you find suitable and convenient. At We Custom Boxes, you get several material options such as simple kraft boxes and heavy cardboard boxes.

  • We offer packaging boxes of flexible sizes so that your vape items can be appropriately fitted.

  • You can have diverse design boxes for vape pen packaging. We offer you a range of vape packaging boxes such as tuck-end, separate lid, window-patched, sleeve, and display boxes.

  • You can independently choose the printing details for each side of the packaging box.

  • We offer you a range of colors and customized graphics that you can include in the vape packaging. You can also choose different color schemes such as CMYK, RGB, and PMS. 

  • We also offer different inserts to add more protection to the encasement such as cardboard inserts. Some inserts are also used to make the packaging simply classical such as foaming inserts. We also offer inserts for display boxes so that you can arrange several vape boxes in their respective compartment. 

Great branding tool

If you are looking for free marketing ways, custom packaging is highly beneficial. We make your vape cartridge packaging highly presentable so that it can effectively communicate your brand values. Your packaging solution will excellently expand your brand reach with the brand identity (brand name, logo design, and slogans).

You can also imprint product details to inform the audience about the product’s specifications. For instance, we print the name, flavor, net weight, and usage of a certain vape pen in its encasement. To do this efficiently, we offer you custom font styles so that you can choose the most suitable one.

Green solution

Disposable vape CR packaging is highly ecological as we use cardboard and kraft stock for its manufacturing. These materials are famous for their renewability and biodegradability. Also, these materials are made of natural extract due to which the manufacturing of these boxes does not pollute the environment. We tend to use ecological tools in this regard. We also offer ecological printing i.e digital printing.

Contact us now!

We offer you premium vape pen packaging wholesale so that you can smoothly run your business. So, what are you looking for? Reach us now and get a free consultation.

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