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123 Bottom Display Lid

The TealPackaging 123 Bottom Display Lid is a top-quality packaging solution that provides exceptional protection for your products while also being visually appealing. Made with durable materials, this lid is built to withstand frequent use and keep your products safe during shipping. The 123 Bottom Display Lid features a unique design that provides extra protection for your products. Its three layers of sturdy cardboard provide superior strength and durability, making it perfect for heavier items. In addition to its functional features, this Display Lid is also customizable to fit your specific needs. With a variety of sizes and colors to choose from, you can select the perfect lid for your products that can elevate their appearance and give them a professional look. The TealPackaging 123 Bottom Display Lid is a versatile and reliable packaging solution that will enhance your product presentation and provide exceptional protection for your products.

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The Best Display lid in the Market:

In any product related, you need packaging for these products. The packaging of the product is very important. The packaging of the product should be attractive, so these packaging can attract the customers towards the product. The packaging is the modern way to introduce the products in the market. Different types of packaging are used to pack different types of products. Mostly Cardboard Boxes are used to pack different types of products.

Different types of boxes available in the market. But in recent years, a new box appears in the market named 123 bottom display lids. These boxes have a unique structure. These are Eco-Friendly Boxes. These boxes are delivered in a flat shape. The customers have to rearrange it in its original shape. An additional lid is present in these boxes so that the name or logo of the brand can be printed on it.

Three Panels of these Boxes:

As these boxes are named. These boxes have three panels named as a side, front, and back. The description of these panels is given below

Side Panels:

The important part of these boxes is its side panels. These panels provide them the real shape it these boxes are arranged perfectly. The arrangement of these boxes is not difficult. You just have to give some attention during the arrangement of these boxes.

Front Panel:

Usually, the front panel is the main site of the box where the name or logo of the brand is printed, but, in this case, there is a separate lid for the name or logo. This lid is a support of the front panel used.

Back Panel:

It the backbone of the box. The back panel should be placed correctly. If you arrange the box correctly, then the back panel automatically placed in the right place.

Custom Boxes:

Custom 123 bottom display lid boxes are designed according to the requirement. You can choose the material of these boxes according to your own choice. You can also print on these boxes according to the requirement. You can make Gift Boxes by doing customization of these boxes. You can also advertise your brand in a small amount of money by using Custom Printed Boxes.

Cost of these Boxes:

These boxes are cost-effective. These boxes are made up of cardboard. It is a cheap material and easily available everywhere in the market. It saves your money in different ways. You do not have to pay for the advertisement of your brand if you use these boxes. The customization cost of these boxes is less than any other packaging. You can get your Retail Boxes at a discount.

Makers of these Boxes:

There are many makers of these boxes available in the market. You can also get these boxes from anywhere in the market. If you want the best customization of your boxes, then you should go to Teal Packaging. It is making customized boxes for every type of product for a long time. It has the best designers in the market. Our agents are readily available to answer any query if you have or to assist in any way they can, just contact us at 201-257-9593 or email us at help@TealPackaging.com.

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