THC Cartridge Packaging

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Custom THC Cartridge Packaging

Custom vape boxes are the backbone of your vape business. However, getting the right boxes is a necessary condition. We offer you cart packaging with which you can improve your brand growth in a short period. With these boxes, you can complement your brand and win the trust of the consumers.

The buzz of vaping has successfully replaced conventional smoking ways. The reasons are many, such as compared to tobacco smoking, vaping does not affect health. Anyhow, the product presentation is a crucial factor that can play a key role in uplifting your sales. Considering this fact, we offer our customers high-quality custom vape cartridge packaging with a modish design.

How does THC cartridge packaging assist you?

Saves Your Money

Custom packaging offers your budget-friendly options. At We Custom Boxes, we offer boxes that are made of cardboard, kraft, and paperboard materials. These materials cost less compared to other high-end materials. However, cardboard packaging can also give your vape pen a luxurious impression. 

We offer you versatile custom features out of which some are inexpensive and others are high-end. Considering your budget size, you can surely use the suitable custom features and get a competitive solution.

Offers You Diverse Designs

For a custom vape cartridge packaging box, we offer you versatile designs. We manufacture these boxes by taking into account the modern trends so that you can tirelessly crush the competition. These packaging designs may include:

  • Slider boxes

  • Rigid boxes

  • Seal-end boxes

  • Separate lid boxes

  • Display boxes

  • Corrugated shipping boxes

You can surely get these boxes in different sizes such as we manufacture 1ml, 2ml, 5ml, and many other size boxes. Our experts create unique templates and define every detail potentially.

Offers Different Printing Methods

Different printing techniques can be used for custom vape packaging. We offer you the following printing methods:

  • Lithography or offset printing

  • Flexo-printing or on-set printing

  • Screen printing

  • Digital printing

All these methods are trendy and have their peculiar features. For instance, some methods give high-quality printing while others bring satisfactory image quality. Similarly, you will also see a pricing difference in all methods. By comparing such elements, you can choose the most suitable method.

Helps You Raise Brand Awareness

Custom boxes provide you with an edge to print certain details on them. These details may include product details (name, logo design, flavor specification, usage, net weight, etc) and brand details (name, logo design, and advertisement quotes or slogans). These details communicate as a salesman and inform the buyer about the product so that he can get the required product without any confusion. For instance, you can print the vape's flavor and give it a unique color theme. Such a smart approach helps you to attract the audience. And the brand identity creates an authentic impression and builds trust.

Significance Of THC Cartridge Boxes

Protective Solution For Vape

We offer cardboard and paperboard boxes that have great strength in keeping the vape product safe from damage. These boxes play the role of a consistent keeper and keep the taste of the e-juice safe. We also offer corrugated cardboard boxes that work as an effective shipping companion.

Make Your Product Presentable

Printing and graphics make your product packaging highly professional. We offer different color combinations to make your packaging vibrant. These color schemes may include CMYK, RGB, and Pantone color wheels. Our experts create unique graphics and labels to highlight the printing details.

Craft A Professional Image

Brand details on the packaging boxes help you to create a difference and convey a professional impression. You may also go overboard in designing these boxes such as we offer different varnishes that not only increase the product's worth but also protect the packaging surface from external conditions. These coatings may include PVC lamination, spot UV, soft-touch varnish, and gloss/matte coatings. Besides, we also offer inserts that help the consumer to keep the product safe for a long duration.

Contact Us Now!

We take care of contemporary trends and manufacture unique style boxes that effectively define your brand and help you stand out. We also offer faster turnarounds and free shipping. So, what are you waiting for? Get a quote now.

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